

哈佛大学上课人数最多的课–幸福课 ZZ - 西祠胡同

以前看过一部电影,很感人的一部,名字叫做《当幸福来敲门(The Pursuit of Happiness)》。这部电影取材于美国黑人投资家Chris Gardener的人生经历,讲述了一个年轻的父亲,带着他的孩子,为了生存而艰辛奋斗的故事。影片里面,我印象最深的一幕,就是在教堂里面,一群为了生存疲于奔命的人们,簇拥在一起,留着眼泪,齐声歌唱:

Lord, don’t move that mountain

Give me the strength to climb it

Please don’t move that stumbling block

But lead me, Lord, around it

My burdens, they get so heaby

Seems hard to bear

But I won’t give up, no, no

Because you promised me

You will meet me at the altar of prayer

Lord, don’t move that mountain

Give me the strength to climb it

Please don’t move that stumbling block

But lead me, Lord, around it


我在我的签名档上写道,What is life?

John Lennon告诉我,Life is what happens to us when we are busy making other plans.
